Suffer the little children

When I have asked anthroposophical doctors about vaccinations and Covid-19, I find there is an extreme reluctance to make any public statements. No doubt this is because the whole subject of vaccination and some of what Rudolf Steiner had to say about it is so controversial that these doctors have a great fear of what may be heaped upon their heads by the orthodox medical bodies, were they to be so unwise as to put these heads above the parapet. And yet, the cautious, almost anodyne statements put out by the Medical Section at the Goetheanum hardly reflect the gravity of the Covid-19 crisis, surely the major public health issue of our time. In these worthy and rather bland responses, one misses the emphasis that Rudolf Steiner gave to “the courage to heal.”

I, of course, am not a medical doctor and have no reputation to lose. Nor am I an epidemiologist, virologist or immunologist so I am completely without relevant knowledge or expertise. I am, however, a human being who tries to pay attention to what is going on in the world and who is disturbed by many aspects of what I see. Right now, I am very concerned by proposals that younger and younger children should be vaccinated against Covid-19. 

The UK regulator has just approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in children aged 12-15, saying it is safe and effective in this age group and the benefits outweigh any risks. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulations Agency (MHRA) said it had carried out a “rigorous review” of the vaccine in adolescents. The UK’s vaccines committee will now decide whether children should get the jab.

China has just approved Covid-19 vaccinations for children as young as three years old.

And in the USA they are now giving Covid-19 vaccines to children as young as 6 months’ old…

Am I the only one who thinks that this is completely mad? Does it make any sense whatsoever to give children a brand-new vaccine with no long-term safety data for a disease that barely affects them?  The people doing this do not even have the pretence that it is for children’s own safety. It is because adults caught up in our safety-at-all costs culture think it is morally acceptable to give children a medicine, which may cause them harm – so as to protect other adults, most of whom have been vaccinated already. 

Actually, I know I am not the only one who thinks that this is both mad and ethically very dubious. A long and distinguished list of doctors, professors of medicine, paediatricians etc has recently signed an open letter to the chief executive of the MHRA, which begins as follows:

“We wish to notify you of our grave concerns regarding all proposals to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children. Recently leaked Government documents suggested that a COVID-19 vaccine rollout in children over 12 years old is already planned for September 2021, and the possibility of children as young as 5 years old being vaccinated in the summer in a worst-case scenario.”

“We have been deeply disturbed to hear several Government and SAGE representatives calling in the media for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to be “turning to children as fast as we can”. Teaching materials circulated to London schools contain emotionally loaded questions and inaccuracies. In addition, there has been disturbing language used by teaching union leaders, implying that coercion of children to accept the COVID-19 vaccines through peer pressure in schools was to be encouraged, despite the fact that coercion to accept a medical treatment is against UK and International Laws and Declarations. Rhetoric such as this is irresponsible and unethical, and encourages the public to demand the vaccination of minors with a product still at the research stage and about which no medium- or long-term effects are known, against a disease which presents no material risk to them.”

I urge you to read the whole of this very important and significant letter.

As I’ve said before, I am not an anti-vaxxer but I am against stupidity and tyrannical group-think. On a related matter, just take a look at the NHS schedule of vaccinations and when to have them – it really is quite extraordinary. Babies up to the age of 16 weeks are recommended to have no less than 8 vaccinations; and children aged between 1 year and 15 years old should have a further 10 vaccinations. Who really thinks this is a good idea, to overload young immune systems with so many vaccinations and re-vaccinations? 

Which brings me to what Rudolf Steiner had to say in his lecture on October 7th 1917. He might have been talking about our situation today.

“Let us not be deceived: we are facing a movement which has very definite aims. Just as at the Council of Constantinople the Spirit was abolished, that is to say, the dogma was established that man consists of body and soul only and to speak of spirit is heretical, attempts of a different character will be made to abolish the soul, man’s life of soul. And the time will come, perhaps in a future by no means far distant, (…) when it will be said: if a man thinks at all of spirit and soul, that is a pathological symptom: those individuals who speak only of the body, they alone are healthy. It will be regarded as a symptom of illness if a human being develops in such a way that he can conceive of the existence of a spirit or a soul. Such people will be considered to be ill. And – of this you may be sure – the corresponding medicament will be discovered and used. On that past occasion the spirit was abolished. The soul will be abolished by means of a medicament yet to be discovered. A “healthy outlook” will lead to the discovery of a vaccine which will be injected into the human organism in earliest infancy, if possible immediately after birth, to ensure that this human body never has the idea that a soul and a spirit exist.”

“This indicates the sheer contradiction between two conceptions of life. The adherents of one will have to reflect how to develop concepts and ideas able to keep pace with reality, with the reality of spirit and soul. The others, the followers of the modern materialists, will seek for the vaccine said to make the body “healthy”, that is to say, affects its constitution in such a way that man no longer speaks of such twaddle as soul and spirit but speaks, from a sound attitude, of forces working in machines and in chemistry and producing planets and suns in the cosmic nebula. This attitude of mind will be induced by bodily procedures. Materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of driving souls out of human beings.”

(Rudolf Steiner, “The Crumbling of the Earth and the Souls and Bodies of Man” given in Dornach October 7, 1917.) 

There are three accounts in the Gospels of Christ Jesus’s attitude when his disciples tried to prevent parents bringing their little children to him. Here is the one from Luke, 18:15-17, in the King James version:

“And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” 

“Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” But if the faculty of receiving the kingdom of God has been taken away from you by umpteen vaccines – what then?

If I were a doctor injecting experimental vaccines into very young children, not for reasons to do with their own medical needs but to try to reduce upward medical transmission from schools to older adults, then I would be wary of another of Christ’s sayings, this time from Matthew 18:6

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Steiner indicated what is really behind this, and all the other dark phenomena of our time:

“All these methods (…) have finally one single purpose — to lead people away from the Christ who has passed through the Mystery of Golgotha, and to assign to another being dominion over the earth. This is a very real battle, not an affair of abstract concepts; a real battle which is concerned with setting another being in place of the Christ-Being for the rest of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch, for the sixth epoch and for the seventh. (…) And it will be essential for people to learn to distinguish between the true Christ, who will not this time appear in the flesh, and this other being who is marked off by the fact that he has never been embodied on the earth.”

If that is too extraordinary a notion for anyone but anthroposophists to take on board, let us finish with another quotation from the letter sent by doctors and scientists to the head of the MHRA. After setting out a detailed list of both short-term and long-term safety concerns, they say this:

“There is important wisdom in the Hippocratic Oath which states, “First do no harm”. All medical interventions carry a risk of harm, so we have a duty to act with caution and proportionality. This is particularly the case when considering mass intervention in a healthy population, in which situation there must be firm evidence of benefits far greater than harms. The current, available evidence clearly shows that the risk versus benefit calculation does NOT support administering rushed and experimental COVID-19 vaccines to children, who have virtually no risk from COVID-19, yet face known and unknown risks from the vaccines. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child states that, ‘the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care,
including appropriate legal protection’. As adults we have a duty of care to protect children from unnecessary and foreseeable harm.” 

“We conclude that it is irresponsible, unethical and indeed, unnecessary, to include children under 18 years in the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Clinical trials in children also pose huge ethical dilemmas, in light of the lack of potential benefit to trial participants and the unknown risks. The end of the current Phase 3 trials should be awaited as well as several years of safety data in adults, to rule out, or quantify, all potential adverse effects.”

“We call upon our governments and the regulators not to repeat mistakes from history, and to reject the calls to vaccinate children against COVID-19. Extreme caution has been exercised over many aspects of the pandemic, but surely now is the most important time to exercise true caution – we must not be the generation of adults that, through unnecessary haste and fear, risks the health of children.” 


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96 responses to “Suffer the little children

  1. Cathrine De Danann

    Dear Jeremy, thank you for this post. I am still after many years yet to find anyone who can explain to me this – If I choose to not be vaccinated, I accept that I may contract the disease(s), however I accept my karma, BUT how on earth if I am not vaccinated, do I put those who are vaccinated at risk? if they are vaccinated then they should be confident that they will not contact the disease / illness, so I should not be a threat to their health. BUT YET the media and big pharma pedal the exact opposite i.e. those who are not vaccinated are putting those who are vaccinated at risk. This surely is a very typical ahrimanic way of thinking.


  2. anthonykmdouglass

    Thank you Jeremy. My wife and I are trying desperately to wake people / family up to the reality of what is going on across the globe. No one wants to listen / hear the truth.


  3. Chris

    I came upon your article in an email just before going to bed, hence my few words, but wanted, at least, to thank you for this common-sense approach, and for the fore-warning that you offer us here. We need to make our positions clear, stand by Dr Steiner, but most of all have courage. My Love to you.


  4. mark

    Thanks, meanwhile Fauci is being spotlighted (for political ends) as funding gain of function (read bioweapons) research in China. What would this be trying to deflect from?
    Vaping illness late 2019? Lab leaks in Nth Carolina?
    Heres Dr T Binder, a stalwart, been locked up for it and deplatformed at times. He can have the final word in this response.
    “Dear fellow human beings!
    My name is Thomas Binder.
    I am a practicing cardiologist and internist in Switzerland, had written my PhD in Immunology and Virology and am proud to be a member of ′′ Aletheia – Medicine and Science for Proportionality ′′ and of ′′ Doctors for Covid Ethics ′′ both of which are for recovery of science, also called reality, of reason and humanity.
    The alleged corona killer virus is nonsense.
    The alleged epidemic of national or international scope is nonsense.
    Performing RT PCR tests on healthy people is nonsense.
    Corman Drosten RT PCR test protocol is nonsense.
    The diagnostic criteria for the disease COVID-19 are nonsense.
    Anti-social distancing, quarantine, isolation, contact tracing, masks, school closures and lockdowns, also called lockdowns, for asymptomatic, formerly known as healthy people, are nonsense.
    The unnecessary, ineffective and insecure serial experimental mRNA and DNA injections are nonsense.
    Every medical student has to study the ′′ basics of epidemiology ′′ in the second year. There he learns that a cohort for longitudinal surveillance must immediately be formed when an epidemic of national importance is declared. This cohort represents the population’s demographics and is used to track case numbers, severity of the disease and status of immunity to the germ of the disease causing the epidemic, here by determining antibodies and T-cell immunity.
    Although it’s been more than a year since WHO declared the COVID pandemic, such a representative cohort of surveillance doesn’t exist in your country.
    Either there is no one among your ministers, your health authorities and their advisors with the knowledge of a second year medical student, or you will be completely deceived.
    The epidemic is fake, but the repressive measures it has produced are real; they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods and even our lives.
    An endemic of a mean beta-corona cold virus is inflated into a killer virus pandemic with PR, PCR and masks and battled with serial unnecessary, ineffective, insecure experimental mRNA and DNA injections.
    The bigger the roof damage, the better the view of the stars!
    Dear responsible fellow human beings!
    Wake up, stand up and fight, peacefully but determined; if not for yourself, then for the future of your children and grandchildren!
    Let’s all end this unethical, unjust, inhuman madness together, now!”

    Liked by 2 people

    • mark

      A second shot of Binder follows:
      “After being blocked from Facebook until last Friday for 30 days I was blocked again today for 30 days after posting this post. I ticked that I disagree with this and now I’m back. 🤣
      ′′ The epidemic is far from an unreal PCR test epidemic, but the repressive measures it has brought are real: they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods and even our lives.
      Dear responsible colleagues!
      Please remember the Hippocratic oath (′′ Primum non nocere, secundum cavere, tertium sanare ′′) and the Geneva vow of the World Medical Association (′′ Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties.” )!!
      Dear responsible fellow human beings!
      Wake up, stand up and fight, peacefully but determined; if not for yourself, then for the future of your children and grandchildren!””


      • mark

        This was an address to a Swiss Medical Conference:
        All elements of the ruling corona narrative are invented from the fact-free vacuum:
        1. SARS-CoV-2 didn’t appear in Wuhan in December 2019 First, in November 2020, a study from Milan showed that SARS-CoV-2 was endemic in Italy already in September 2019, i.e. before the flu season 2019/20 Other studies later showed the same thing, for example in France:…/10.1177/0300891620974755
        2. There is no SARS-CoV-2 epidemic of national scope, ergo no pandemic either. This is evident from the lack of excess mortality and the rather low occupancy of ICUs, whose capacity has also been significantly reduced since April 2020
        3. The test indication, namely to test not only hospitalized seriously ill with specific antiviral therapy needs, in sentinel and in a study cohort, but even asymptomatic, formerly known as healthy ones, and only for one of the differential diagnostic possible respiratory viruses, is wrong.
        4. The Drosten RT PCR test is undiagnostic for infection with SARS-CoV-2, respectively for disease or death from COVID-19. On November 28., 2020, an international Group of 22 life scientists including two members of Aletheia, Dr. Bruno dalle Carbonare and I, an external peer review of the ′′ Corman Drosten Paper “:
        In this we explain that there are conflicts of interest, the alleged peer review is absurd within 24 hours, and ten fundamental scientific errors. This most unscientific medical publication of 2020, hard to beat, should never have been published.
        The Corman Drosten RT PCR test manual is poorly and vague, without validation and standardization. As a result of cross-reaction with other coronaviruses, the specificity of around 98.6 %, corresponding to 1.4 % false positives, reduced to up to 92.4 % in flu season, corresponding to 7.6 % false Positive. Everywhere the test is done differently and at too high cycle thresholds. Although studies have shown that there are no cultivable viruses in samples with a Ct value higher than 28, the tests are still conducted with cycle thresholds higher than 35 Their results are reported worldwide without reference to clinical symptoms.
        5. The symptoms, clinical, laboratory and radiological findings of COVID-19 are not clearly different from other respiratory viruses.
        6. There is no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of respiratory viruses. Many studies have now confirmed this for SARS-CoV-2 Prof.’s Drosten in the ′′ Letter to the Editor ′′ invented on January 30., 2020 was very symptomatic: the patient had suppressed her symptoms with medication.
        Therefore, beyond the proven effective measures to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2, hygiene and self-isolation of those suffering from non-pharmacological measures, all are ineffective for asymptomatic, formerly known as healthy, are ineffective.
        7. The long stated high mortality with fall mortality, CFR, of 2 % was false. Every primary student knows that it is not CFR, but the infection mortality, IFR, that can easily be around the factor about a hundred deeper because of the dark figure.
        8. The initially made claim that 5 % of infected people are intensively in need of ward was false, for the same reasons understandable to every primary student. It led to the procurement of approximately 1000 ventilators and to the postponement of non-emergency but urgent operations.
        9. SARS-CoV-2 ain’t no killer. The most recent IFR is 0.15 %, for under 70 years old below 0.05 %. After replacing the number within 28 days WITH a positive PCR test of what ever dead by the number TO COVID-19 dead, she’s much deeper.
        10. An epidemic does not spread exponentially, but according to a logistical or Gompertz function.
        11. Because of basic and crossimmunity, only about 10-20 % of the seasonal corona and influenza viruses suffer during each flu season. Herd immunity should probably exist in our mid-northern latitude since the end of the season of Corona-19 in April 2020 That’s why a ′′ n-th wave of a respiratory virus ′′ is also a biological impossibility.
        12. There is an effective prophylaxis: for example healthy lifestyle, many social contacts, and vitamin D3.
        13. There is a well-effective, well-tolerated, cheap therapy: for example topical budesonide, normally dosed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
        14. The experimental mRNA injections are unnecessary (IFR 0.15 %, for < 70 a: 75-year-olds there is no data) and uncertain (short-term anaphylactic reactions, thromboembolism, thrombopenia and DIC, medium-term possible ADE, medium-to long-term possible autoimmune diseases and Cancer).
        The entire ruling corona narrative is nonsense. It justifies the global ruling unscientific, inhuman madness. One such can be done with any respiratory virus: Let’s not test all people anymore with a hyper-sensitive, little specific RT PCR test cross-reacting with other viruses for theoretically an RNA fragment of SARS-CoV-2, but for example on such influenza or metapneumo viruses, we immediately have an influenza or metapneumo test pandemic.
        By the way, every medical student has to study the basics of epidemiology in the second year. There he learns that a cohort of study representative of the population must immediately be formed when an epidemic of national significance is declared. It is used to monitor case numbers, severity of the disease and status of immunity, here by determining antibodies and T-cell immunity.
        Although it’s been more than a year since WHO declared the COVID pandemic, such a representative surveillance cohort doesn’t exist! Even worse: From week 13 to 44, the BAG had paused the Sentinella and thus completed the total blind flight.
        The epidemic is largely an unreal test epidemic, but the repressive measures it has produced are real: they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods and even our lives.
        Dear responsible fellow human beings!
        Wake up, stand up and fight, peacefully but determined; if not for yourself, then for the future of your children and grandchildren.
        From the text to Dr’s contribution med. Thomas Binder on the occasion of the ALETHEIA media conference on May 28., 2021 in Bern:

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Carla

    Absolutely agree with your concerns —consequences will be horrendous !!


  6. ininsoi

    I’m with you 100% on this Jeremy and I can only feel that this worldwide push to vaccinate ever younger age groups truly deserves the moniker ‘diabolical’.

    Very well expressed article!


  7. Matti Kuusela

    Very good.


  8. Fantastic article, and courageous. The Medical Section has lost their courage, so apparently needs a heart transplant. They will pay a karmic price for their luke warmness. “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Rev 3:16.


  9. Jeff Martin

    Accepted scientific study leading to advice against national campaigns to vaccinate of children by 3 anthroposophic doctors in Germany:


  10. Joya Birns

    Thank you for writing this. I completely agree.


  11. Jeff Martin

    Correction: re the link I just sent; my son informed me that Arne Simon is not an anthroposophic doctor.


  12. Anthroposophists do not have the courage to say what Rudolf Steiner said at the time:
    “When it rains the frogs reproduce, but let’s not say that the frogs produced the rain. To say that the virus causes the condition is to make the same mistake.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Robin M. Hall

    Thanks Jeremy, this is courageous and essential work. The world is now confronted with a deception of unprecedented scope and reach.
    Two observations:
    The “war on terror” narrative vanished when the virus story emerged. However there are significant similarities eg. “We are all at risk” and “the enemy could be anywhere”. There was a palpable wave of fear that passed through our communities that I also experienced after the event known as 9/11.
    The virus event has occurred at a time when the use of computers has been increasing rapidly, and has accelerated due to measures introduced by governments. The COVID narrative has therefore largely unfolded through the screens that we stare at. Imagine the “pandemic” event without mass-media and internet. Therefore the situation we are in can be seen as a product of the internet age, and the being that we may now have to confront actually inhabits the “web” and could be called the “AI being”.
    Keep up the good work, R


  14. “And it will be essential for people to learn to distinguish between the true Christ, who will not this time appear in the flesh, and this other being who is marked off by the fact that he has never been embodied on the earth.”

    Well, there you go. More and more materialistic thinking/acting is just paving the way for the new saviour of mankind (a.k.a ‘Ahriman’) in the flesh, who will preach love and unity and clairvoyant abilities to all.


  15. mark
    Newly begun group of Doctors (google will translate the page) that hold to their hippocratic oath and the Geneva convention.


  16. kathyfinnegan

    To combine this topic with a yet more unpopular one: for decades a prominent theory circulating among those who have been documenting reports of alien abductions is that the little gray aliens are humans from the future who were genetically modified and no longer have souls, or the ability to feel. This theory posits that the reported sexual experimentation by them is to create yet another hybrid human in an attempt to undo the tragic mistake, and regain what was lost.


  17. Susana

    Thank you for bravely expressing your concern against vaccination for children.


  18. lazure painter

    Dear Jeremy, it’s important for people to know that not everyone is asleep to the Covid scam. A week last Saturday on May 29th was the London Freedom March. It did not get mentioned by the BBC. There is another later this month which I hope you and other anthroposophist’s will get to. Also check out A Stand In The Park in which like minded people meet every Sunday morning between 10 and 11. It can feel very isolating trying to sift through the madness…


  19. ininsoi

    The prevailing takeaway word from the article above for me is ‘madness.’

    I live in an isolated community in the peruvian jungle but just returned from 9 days in Asheville, North Carolina, USA where my wife and I attended my brother’s wedding. On the one hand it was wonderful getting out and socializing after a year locked down, but on the other, the prevailing mood in the US was one of madness. Almost everyone I talked to had received the vaccine and were keen for us to receive it too. Only 4 family members and one friend had not been vaccinated. Media brainwashing through fear and social peer pressure is certainly doing its job on the general populace and many parents are keen to vaccinate their children. It’s utter madness and evidence of a major pre-planned psychological operation to my mind.

    Peru tends to be way less sophisticated than the more supposedly advanced countries. There is much blatant corruption and chaos which actually tends to mitigate against a brainwashed population. I’m grateful to live here given what I recently experienced in the US.


  20. Ton Majoor

    One should differentiate: “More than a quarter of 16 and 17-year-olds in England have coronavirus antibodies in their blood despite barely any of them being vaccinated”. (

    ‘children under 18 years’ are not biological equal to ‘children aged 12-15’ (Pfizer), to ‘children as young as three years old’ (China), to ‘children as young as 6 months’ in early COVID-19 vaccine trials, to children ‘in earliest infancy’ (Steiner), or to ‘very young children’, when trying ‘to reduce upward medical transmission from schools to older adults’.

    Alas, Dr. Binder, a Swiss cardiologist (58), has become paranoid: ‘The epidemic is largely an unreal test epidemic …’


  21. Paul Breslaw

    I think it is better to focus on the human rights and/or criminality of medicating children supposedly against a condition that barely affects them. Using this article to promote a conversation on all aspects of the COVID situation – real and imagined – tends to dilute the reality in many countries of the situation facing young people whom we, as parents, teachers or just “grown ups”, have a duty of care towards.

    I see little point in invoking Steiner (or anyone else for that matter) when the insanity is there for all to see, if they really want to.


    • ininsoi

      I can’t understand the objection to invoking Steiner, it’s the Anthropopper website after all and what RS has to say on the subject at hand is surely highly relevant.


      • Paul Breslaw

        I’ve yet to find anything Steiner has said on the subject of the COVID jab, that I understand, that is relevant to the present situation. For one thing, the current set of COVID jabs are not vaccinations in the sense we normally understand; they are medications.


        • ininsoi

          Steiner never made a direct reference to Covid as such but did talk about a future medical procedure that would have the effect of divorcing the individual from his or her connection to the spiritual worlds. I do think that is the esoteric effect likely occuring with the present mRNA so-called vaccines. The exoteric effect is likely to be mass depopulation if what various courageous frontline doctors such as Sherri Tenpenny, Vernon Coleman and many others are saying is correct.


          • Paul Breslaw

            So, if I understand you correctly, we should all be safe from the “esoteric effect” if we use the AstraZeneca and similar vaccines which do not use mRNA technology?


            • ininsoi

              That’s a question I have been pondering myself and one that I would like to throw open to readers of this site more medically educated than me. It also concerns the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, Sputnik and others eg the Chinese one as I understand it.


              • Paul Breslaw

                So can you explain to me (and the other folk reading here who might be interested) how you know that “the esoteric effect likely occuring with the present mRNA so-called vaccines”. What is so special about this kind of vaccine that they have such a radical psycho-spiritual effect? As I understand it (which I’m afraid isn’t very much), the technology has been in use since the late 90’s, and over the past decade has been successfully used for various cancer treatments. Do all mRNA medications cause a “divorcing the individual from his or her connection to the spiritual worlds”?


  22. Ottmar

    The unnecessary vaccination of children and young people is certainly an important issue. But is it a specifically anthroposophical topic for the anthropopper?
    I find it remarkable that here again a platform is given for people who speak of the Corona scam as in the thread before.

    For me it is phenomenologically interesting to observe what differences there are in the approval and recommendation for this vaccination in the countries. The USA, UK, Israel and China, just as with GMOs, are particularly open to these experiments, or to put it another way, in these countries there is less awareness of the problems with GMOs and vaccination than in other parts of the world. This phenomenological view would be interesting from an anthroposophical point of view.


    • Hello Ottmar,
      To answer your question directly, yes I do think the unnecessary vaccination of children and young people is a topic on which all anthroposophists should take a view. Whether you and I like or agree with each of the views expressed in these comments is not the point; as long as comments are reasonably on-topic, there’s no reason to exclude them from the discussions.
      Best wishes,


  23. Judith

    Thank you Jeremy for so bravely speaking out about this issue and highlighting Steiner’s warnings about need to counter the evil that our fifth post-atlantean epoch is experiencing. I highly recommend reading the links that Jeremy has kindly included in this article, bringing to attention the one that indicates what is really going on behind this (Steiner archive – GA0178) “The Right and Wrong use of Esoteric Knowledge.” It’s this kind of awareness that is needed, forewarned is forearmed. Much love and strength to all


  24. norcalskinny

    This is a topic I have followed rather closely since I was enlightened to it back in 2014 at the time I had a kid entering kindergarten and at the same time our then CA governor Jerry Brown was signing a controversial mandatory vaccination bill SB-277 into law. I’ve gathered and read thousands of articles of info on the topic since then and I’m still no expert but clearly there is/has been an agenda to get each group of people vaccinated and tracked extensively being run on the world. You look at things like event 201 captured on youtube to see some had foreknowledge of what was coming. The passing of another CA bill AB-262 just months prior to the pandemic giving California dept of Health unrestricted power during an “outbreak” in preparation. It’s a scam with a “fear” marketing campaign. Even our safe haven Waldorf school where my child went has lost its way at the hands of the pandemic. They too fell for this and put all kids on computers for remote learning and then forced kids to mask up and social distance when they went back to classrooms. I’m sure they will be pushing the vaccine as well. We didn’t wait to find out. We knew all that was damaging to the wellbeing of children. With my work colleagues I zoom and listen to them all discuss getting the vaccine, wishing for vaccine passports and apps that track their health status so they can roam freely and participate in society. They think these are good things!

    Bravo for speaking up on this topic


    • ininsoi

      Yes really. Bravo!

      The poor children are the ones facing the present day insanity and the long-term consequences of poor decisions being made now on their behalf.

      I mourn for what is happening in Waldorf schools worldwide, but particularly in the UK where the whole previously well-established movement is being hammered on the ropes by the government and is in danger of being completely shut down if what I’m hearing is true.

      A few moments ago one of my old eurythmy teachers from my childhood popped into my mind. Her name was Willy Woldyk and she had been a member of the Dutch resistance during WW2. She was a short, rotund, extremely choleric, extremely good-hearted, fiery woman who chain-smoked and was an ardent, albeit independent-minded anthroposophist. Apart from having her as a eurythmy teacher at a young age I also got to know her as a young adult attending Emerson College in the mid-70’s as she had recently moved from Kings Langley to Forest Row. I remember her confiding in me that she had a small TV and liked to watch police dramas like ‘Z-cars’ and ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ as well as sports. I can imagine her putting up a hell of a fight in the face of the present tyranny.

      Anyone else remember Willy?


      • norcalskinny

        Our Waldorf schools here have also been a target of government for quite some time. This pandemic has given them much to be happy about. There is also a huge divide in the schools themselves here. You see some progressives welcoming the changes and a smaller group wishing to stay closer to Steiner roots. Right now the progressives and government are winning but I hope that the others spin off, get away from AWSNA, the governing body here and create their own fork of Steiner/Waldorf schools.


      • Thanks for sharing the memory of your eurythmy teacher, Willy. She sounded like quite the character, and an exceptional all-round person.


        • ininsoi

          Thanks Kyle. Yes I am glad to have known her. I also knew an even older lady who taught bookbinding at Emerson College and who had personally known Rudolf Steiner as she had been a student at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart,


  25. Ton Majoor

    The future counterculture to the ‘abolishment of the spirit’ in medicine was referred to as ‘hygienic occultism’ by Harrison (1894) and Steiner (1917). The future spiritual practices in economy and education are called mechanical and eugenetic occultism (cf. CW 167, 171, 173, 178, 182, 184 and 186).

    “The time must come, however, when the spiritual forces are made mobile enough to master life in relation to illness and death. Medicine will become spiritualized, intensely spiritualized. Of all these things, caricatures are being made from certain directions, but these caricatures show only what really must come.” (GA0178/19171125)


    • Ton Majoor

      Spiritual healing would be one caricature of this mobilization of the spirit and hygienic spiritualization:

      “Now, I hope you will not misunderstand me, my dear friends, because in this domain a great deal is precisely sinned against on the so-called spiritual side. For example, you can experience the following: People will come and say: “Yes, I have been exposed to all sorts of things in medicine and I was not healed; so I went to a healer who treated me quite spiritually.” Then I asked him what the healer did with him and he answered: “There are evil spirits in my body and I must pray them out of myself.” I asked if this helped. “No, I became worse and worse.” I ask you to just imagine how the situation stands. Do not just imagine that this person has said something incorrect. It is quite correct that there were spiritual beings in him that were the cause of what happened to him. But precisely because that healer told him something correct, this damaged the human being.” (GA0167/19160404)


  26. Silver Moon

    I have to say that I am not against vaccination as such; it is more a matter that it is commonly seen as something that it is not. I have to add that a vaccination that has had so little by way of long term testing is clearly not something that should be recommended by anybody in their right mind. As to its being given to children, is this any worse than giving it to the elderly who are as at risk from its side-effects? What excuses will the media give when swathes of the population fall ill because of these side-effects?

    It is very interesting to listen to the scientists who are working on the vaccines; many of them speak of their need to deal with the ‘spike’ protein of the virus. This is the element that allows the virus to break through the cell wall and find a nice cosy home. In short, it is a way to slow down the activity of the virus. This is very close to the things Rudolf Steiner said about vaccinations, namely that they gave the virus something to do which meant it does not reproduce so quickly.

    It has to be emphasized here that any assertion by the media about the ‘social’ aspect of having a vaccination – that is to say, that the vaccine is effective in stopping the spread of the virus – is disproven by the above scientific statements. Not that this troubles the people in the media, whose grasp of science is at best limited – and thus they fall prey to the kind of fallacies that the rest of the population usually do when it comes to vaccination. The fact is that the vaccination means that the virus will be unable to reproduce itself to the point where it makes a person dangerously ill. Thus it will help the NHS. After all, we have to protect the NHS. The question is whether we protect it from the depredations of a virus or decades of energetic cuts by central government that have endangered its existence.

    It must be noted that vaccination does not have the effect of a bactericide, ‘kills all known germs’ – bacteria in anthroposophical terms are the ‘animal forms’ where viruses are the ‘vegetable forms’ of the germ world (the world of fallen beings that are too small to see). Washing one’s hands with an anti-bacterial hand wash in order to stop the spread of a virus is clearly a the result of some poorly formed thinking. The real issue of vaccination is that it can achieve certain ends; however one must accept that the manner in which a vaccine works emulates the pesticides used with such abandon on our farms. In short, neither do anything to strengthen the recipient, be they human or plant. What it does do it to allow the weak to remain alive, but without having to strive to become any healthier. What the weak in our society truly need is something to strengthen them.

    The grandmother of a friend of mine had caught the virus, this was in May last year. I recommended she try a certain homeopathic remedy and she became well again within a week or so. I must admit that in that she was the kind of person who in being willing to try something of this kind, implied that her becoming well was as much her simply shaking off the virus with a healthy ‘can do’ attitude. This brings me to the thoughts expressed by Steiner about the negative emotions that so easily flood our culture when faced with a virus – which was dealt with in the above link given by Gian Paolo Forni and it is well worth reading. The mere fact that people are so easily panicked (our government included, who seem to do little else) implies a weakness of response to external stimuli – in short, a lack of the higher soul qualities. They either do nothing or do too much, only to make mistakes*. That the media are part and parcel of this in that they are as easily flustered to a state of panic.

    I would be very interested to know if the proportion of people who died from the virus was lessened by their having been to a Waldorf school. After all, the emotional stability that an educational method of this kind can establish in the child will mean their attitude to diseases of all kinds is far healthier. Yet the weak minded who tend in our society to attain high office will pour scorn on a system that they cannot get their head around.

    The European Union were sluggish at giving out the vaccination partly because the entire second wave in Europe was due to British governmental incompetence**. The Kent strain of the virus and directly attributable to the inaction of the British government in the early stages of the pandemic last year, because Boris dropped the ball. Put better, he didn’t even try to catch the ball, he simply watched it roll pass him with glazed, disinterested eyes. Had the government acted competently and prepared with sufficient PPE***, the pandemic would have been at an end in the whole of Europe last summer. As ever, the Europeans made the obvious mistake of assuming that the British government was competent (despite decades of evidence to the contrary). This failing of the Europeans is one that rarely makes headlines; Europe has its faults, they are not the ones the media speak of.

    * The government stated that they would give holiday makers sufficient warning of any changes in the need for quarantine on their return. Then, in a knee-jerk reaction, the government changes the requirements for quarantine, and that without warning. What don’t people understand about Tory governments!?
    ** Boris signed a legally binding agreement with the EU to enforce a hard border with Northern Ireland. Naturally, Boris has refused to enact this legislation and is retroactively attempting to re-negotiate the matter. The media asks the EU to show ‘common sense’ and so allow Boris to break his agreement. The EU has reserved its rights to enforce the law that Boris agreed to: it is what the EU stands for.
    *** The media claimed that the government was caught unawares; this as a clear statement that the media, like the government, had taken no notice of the 2019 EU conference where countries were urged to stock up on PPE. The result was that there was nothing left for the indolent British government once they had realized there really was a pandemic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lazure painter

      This is such nonsense… there is and never was a pandemic. The experimental black flagged vaccine is a deadly serum that will seriously injure or kill those who have it. Why are the government, media, celebrities, FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter obsessed in giving everyone the ‘jab’ for a virus that kills less than 1% of the population… As I have said previously on this blog, Covid is a bio weapon to reduce the population and crash the economy… those who survive the transformative effect of the vaccine will be automatons, hosts to Ahrimanic demons, full of vitriol and hatred towards fellow human beings. Anthroposophist’s know of the incarnation to come, do they not think Ahriman will ensure an appreciative audience!


      • Hello Gary,
        I don’t agree with you that “there is and never was a pandemic”. There most certainly is, but the causes of it, and what lies behind it, are not so easy to discern among all the paranoia and conspiracy theories. Anthroposophists, of all people, should be exercising their thinking skills and powers of discrimination to try to discern what is really going on behind the fog surrounding this issue. Here is a quotation from Steiner, speaking in 1920, about the importance of sticking to the facts:
        “We would not have had to go through the whole terrible campaign of falsehood that has travelled through the world over the last five years – as the ultimate consequence of something that has long been prepared – if people had learned to focus on the language of facts to a certain extent, and not on the language of emotions – wherein the nationalists are the most terrible stokers of such emotions. On the one hand, it is absolutely necessary today that we also learn to take into our own thinking what is not in ourselves. On the other hand, there is the aversion to this truthfulness, which seeks its guideline in the facts. Only those can ascend into a knowledge of the higher worlds, who strictly adhere to the external world of facts.”
        Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – GA 197 – Gegensätze in der Menschheitsentwickelung / West und Ost, Materialismus und Mystik, Wissen und Glauben – Stuttgart, March 5, 1920 (page 18-19)


      • ininsoi

        That is quite a strong statement lazure painter. Can you tell us more? Was this a pre-planned worldwide operation in your estimation?


        • Silver Moon

          In the circumstances, I am troubled by the things Lazure Painter has said.

          I agree that to have a vaccine to prevent a virus that kills barely 1% of the population is nonsense, but it has to be said that when the pharmaceutical industries can make a stack out of it, matters become a little more clear. If there are side effects, it will be more a matter of “unintended consequences” rather than deliberate action.

          As to the hatred you speak of, it is already there – and has been from the 1930s onwards. If you had done your homework, you would realize that it needs little by way of encouragement.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Paul Breslaw

            Err excuse me, but “barely 1% of the population” is 78 million people dead worldwide. Even the current, probably exaggerated, number of deaths is a terrible 3.7 million. Are you seriously suggesting allowing more than 20 times that number to die because you don’t like vaccines?


          • Paul Breslaw

            Err excuse me, but “barely 1% of the population” is 78 million people dead worldwide. Even the current, probably exaggerated, number of deaths is a terrible 3.7 million. Are you seriously suggesting allowing more than 20 times that number to die because you don’t like vaccines? The number in the UK would be 700,000!


  27. Pingback: Over Corona vaccinatie kinderen – De grote Rudolf Steiner Citatensite

  28. Pingback: About the vaccine – The great Rudolf Steiner Quotes Site

  29. Richard Philps

    One can think back to the times around the year 3,000 BC, the beginning of the ‘dark age of consciousness’, to the experiences of the peoples of that period as they tried to come to terms with a fading consciousness of the Cosmos. Some began to turn to various artificial methods in an attempt to maintain a remnant of the conscious connection that had existed – the juice of certain plants, certain stimulants, even certain physiological changes (perhaps the flat-heading technique being one).

    Five thousand years later, as the dark age subsides and a new age of conscious enlightenment begins, some are turning to a synthetic ‘medication’, based on substances and processes that, of themselves, do not occur naturally within the human organism, which threatens to weaken the connection between the life-forces and the physical body and to suppress the new etheric consciousness that should be emerging in our times.

    This, in my view, has been the path of vaccine development in recent decades, a path on which it will continue into the future unless checked, using ever more sophisticated technology.

    Another ‘offering’ from the sub-natural realms for humanity to overcome and transform for the good.


    • ininsoi

      Would you say these ‘vaccines’ derive from the eighth sphere?


      • lazure painter

        If you listen to Dr. Robert Powell’s podcasts he speaks of the eighth sphere in a few of them. As I understand it, ‘to receive the serum is to receive the Mark of the Beast’… what ensues is a separation of humanity, those who have chosen to be vaccinated will belong to the eighth sphere…


        • Thank you, Gary. I’ve listened to Robert Powell and I think his basic instincts about the situation we are in are sound. He does, however, undermine his case with some nonsensical assertions, such as “anyone who wears a mask is carrying the mark of the beast” or when you have the jab you are being injected with nanoparticles which will then enable you to be tracked by a central super-computer. This is paranoid rubbish and makes him appear foolish – not a good look for anyone concerned to represent anthroposophy to the wider world.


          • ininsoi

            I’m a bear with very little brain but I’m wondering about the ‘paranoid rubbish’ involving alleged nanobots being in contact with the cloud and thence super computers. Robert Powell is not the only one making this assertion. Elana Freeland is no slouch in the thinking department as is Catherine Austin Fitts and I can’t immediately dismiss them as two paranoids spouting nonsense. Perhaps there is something to this notion and I would love to get further concrete information both for and against this possibility.


        • Richard Philps

          Hello Gary
          I’ve not looked into Robert Powell’s work in any great depth, and not at all in relation to Covid. However, I was able to spend a little time over the weekend listening to some of his talks, but wasn’t able to pinpoint a specific reference to the eighth sphere. From what I heard, he expresses his thoughts on the vaccines and the ‘mark of the beast’ – but also suggests that those who have had the vaccine may be healed (redeemed) by awakening to Christ. You will appreciate that there is a lot of material to listen to, so are you able to give a specific indication of where the eighth sphere is mentioned? I’d prefer not to comment on your analysis without listening to the specific reference, although I’m not entirely convinced that venturing too far into the complex matter of the eighth sphere helps us as far as vaccines are concerned – it may distract from the current exchanges. We’ll see.

          Best wishes


          • lazure painter

            Hello Richard, go to Podcasts Series 3 page and listen to 29A the Big Picture and 29B… this is where I heard the first reference to the eighth sphere.


            • ininsoi

              I have just been re-listening to Robert Powell’s podcast number 29 B in which he asserts that those who have taken the mRNA vaccine will enter the eighth sphere and no longer be a part of the seven sphere evolution outlined by Rudolf Steiner. Do other viewers of this site agree with this view?


              • lazure painter

                Hello ininsoi, these two quotes from Rudolf Steiner might help with your question…

                In truth, therefore, our Earth – the Fourth Sphere – is simply not what it appears outwardly to be. Were it really to consist of atoms, all these atoms would still be impregnated by formations belonging to the Eighth Sphere – which are perceptible only to visionary clairvoyance. These formations are present everywhere; so too is the spectre-like content of the Eighth Sphere which can therefore be perceived just as actual spectres are perceived. All earthly being and existence are involved here. Lucifer and Ahriman strive unceasingly to draw from the Earth’s substances whatever they can snatch, in order to form their Eighth Sphere which then, when it is sufficiently advanced, will be detached from the Earth and go its own way in the
                Cosmos together with Lucifer and Ahriman.” – Rudolf Steiner The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century, Lecture Five

                “If everything were to run without a hitch for Lucifer and Ahriman, if they were everywhere able to wrest as much as they wrest from the organ of the head, Earth evolution would soon reach a point where Lucifer and Ahriman could succeed in destroying our Earth and in leading over all evolution of worlds into the Eighth Sphere, so that Earth-evolution as a whole would take a different course. Hence Lucifer endeavours to unfold his greatest strength of all at the place where man is the most vulnerable, namely in his head.” – Rudolf Steiner The Occult Movement in the
                Nineteenth Century (Lecture Five)


              • Ton Majoor

                Steiner (1905) related the ‘eighth sphere’ (see also previous threads) to an intensification of egoism (and to the asuric powers and the apocalyptic third fall), whereas vaccination is rather meant to protect (non-egoistically) the vulnerable Other (herd immunity).



              • Ton Majoor

                Besides the combined luciferic and ahrimanic powers, ‘asuric spirits’ are involved in the sub-earthly Eighth Sphere: “They’re the dregs of the planetary evolution that goes from Saturn to Vulcan … The asuras inhabit the moon and from there they work on the men whom they want to drag down into the eighth sphere …” (GA0266/19070129, cf. GA0107/19090322).

                In contrast, Steiner (1910) described ‘Vulcan’ as a moon-like ‘special planet in the environment of the earth itself’, see Occult Science (GA013_c04-06). In Atlantean times, ‘Vulcan men’ were the last to come down to earth (GA204/19210513). “They laid the first foundation for what appeared later on among human beings as “science” and “art.”

                For Steiner, the asuric development (materialism, dissolute sensuality) and the normal cultural development (science, art) are more like opposites.


            • Richard Philps

              Hello Gary
              I’ve listened to both parts of the talk you indicated and have a mixed reaction. Dr Powell clearly has a depth of knowledge of Rudolf Steiner’s work, however, there appears to be some speculative science offered, for example in relation to ‘vaccine shedding’, for which I have yet to come across conclusive evidence. Perhaps he has such evidence. But, if true, would someone who already had a connection to Christ be susceptible to transmission? He does not mention. Neither does he refer to Rudolf Steiner’s indications regarding transmission, susceptibility, an inner terrain of fear etc. which would seem to be very relevant to what he is proposing.

              His assertions connecting vaccines to the ‘mark of the beast’ and the eighth sphere seem to me rather reckless, although they are tempered in another talk by his acknowledgement that those who receive the vaccine/beast may subsequently be healed by turning to Christ. Yet he seems quite adamant that a decision must be taken right now as to one’s future path; and if you decide to be injected, you are then excluded from a normal Earth evolution. It seems quite terminal. But what of children too young to decide for themselves, who may be injected at the behest of their parent or guardian? What of those souls who are not presently on the Earth and may not be for several hundred years? Overall, I can find nothing in my own understanding of Rudolf Steiner’s work to support Dr Powell’s assertions.

              As I understand it, the mark of the beast with the two horns and barbed sting does not reach its culmination until the time of the 666 on Venus. Only then would a rightful connection to future Earth evolution no longer be possible for those who had not found their way to Christ. Up to that time, those unable to find a path to Christ would be obliged to take on different conditions of existence as they ‘fell behind’ so to speak, taking on animalistic forms relating to previous epochs. One could say that those who do fall behind by not achieving the goals of the current and subsequent evolutionary epochs are already beginning to forge a connection to the beast and manifest this connection in their appearance, their countenance, their behaviour. But redemption always remains possible during these times by connecting oneself to Christ.

              Regarding the ‘vaccines’, Ahriman seeks to mechanize human beings and the Earth – to transform both into his own nature. He seeks to achieve this by attacking the spiritual life forces connected to the physical body and the Earth, substituting them with his own ‘operating system’, i.e. by altering the genetic composition of the physical body and the natural food needed to sustain the physical body. One can find a quite overt reference to this from the vaccine manufacturers, on the Moderna website for example: “we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug”. This suggests to me an intention for more “apps” to follow the current one, which, ultimately, could bring about the transformation of significant numbers of human beings into machine-like beings. This is surely the battle – to preserve our true human nature and remain aligned with the spiritual Hierarchies, or to succumb to Ahriman and risk taking on a machine-like nature. Therefore, in respect of future incarnations, I believe it important that significant numbers do not receive the injection.

              To finish with a few thoughts on the eighth sphere. As I understand it, the form of this eighth sphere within the Earth consists of what Lucifer and Ahriman were able to seize hold of from the residue of the Old Moon substantiality in the progression from Old Moon to Earth. Rudolf Steiner’s lecture included in your comment of June 16th:10.20am describes how, if Lucifer and Ahriman were able to wrest away everything of Earth substantiality, the Earth would then pass over to Jupiter as a mere torso. But he explains that this does not happen, because of the intervention of Jahve and the good Spirits of Form. Thus, in terms of its future existence as a cosmic embodiment detached from the Earth, due to this intervention, it as yet contains little or nothing of what belongs to a rightful Earth evolution. However, at a future stage of Earth evolution, matter that is un-spiritualized (un-redeemed) will enter that sphere, and this is connected to the “intensification of egoism” that Ton Majoor mentions, also to materialistic thought. In terms of human souls, only those very few who have consciously associated themselves with the darkest magic already ‘live’ in that sphere, and even they, as with all human souls, may be redeemed right up until the 666. This is how I understand it.

              PS: sorry this is so long Jeremy.


              • Absolutely no need to apologise, Richard – on the contrary, I and no doubt many other readers of this blog are very grateful to you for your clear thinking and independent judgement. Indeed, I would say that you have presented a model of how an anthroposophist should respond to the present situation, for which many thanks.


                • Richard Philps

                  It’s thanks to your initiative Jeremy that people are able to share their thoughts on the important subjects you raise. Hopefully, some good is being done.


              • ininsoi

                Hello Richard,

                Thanks for presenting a different viewpoint to that of Robert Powell. There is much to ponder regarding different interpretations especially regarding the eighth sphere.

                I’m still wondering about the nanobots. Surely Moderna’s admission that their ‘vaccine’ is actually an app is tantamount to confirming that there is an electronic component to the serum.

                best wishes



                • Richard Philps

                  Hello Martin

                  Yes, there’s much to ponder, however I think that key in all this is the principle of redemption. To those who achieve the goals of Earth evolution as it progresses falls the task of ‘going back’, as it were, to help redeem those who have fallen behind. No-one is abandoned. This principle of redemption is surely a profoundly Christian one.

                  With nanorobotics, one enters the complex territory of ‘the merging of human nature with machine nature’. Rudolf Steiner spoke not in terms of whether it will come, but how it comes. Jeremy offered some helpful research into these matters in posts from a couple of years ago:

                  Put rather crudely, on the one side is the possibility of machines and devices (within or outside of the physical body) continuing to be driven by the sub-natural force of electricity i.e. by an immoral force. On the other side, one can envision our own expanded etheric consciousness, bearing a moral power, as the directing spiritual force from ‘outside’ the physical body. How we are able to live on the Earth (a spiritual life or a sub-life) will depend on whether human beings can attain a sufficient moral power through the development of the etheric body to ensure that mechanical devices are connected to that moral force and thereby used for the good of humanity. The work of (the late) Paul Emberson may be helpful in coming to an understanding of etheric technology and the relationship between human beings and machines.

                  It is evident that, in the application of microscopic technology as we see it used today in the field of ‘vaccines’, based as it is for the most part on a materialistic conception of the human being, there is little moral technique, which can be understood as the ability to transform the world according to moral thinking without violating the natural laws by which all things are connected. It implies a full understanding of all the consequences, as far as they can be known, that may result from the use of the technology before any action is taken. Without the proper application of moral technique, even though the intention may have been for the good, a scientific discovery may instead carry a serious threat.

                  The counter-force of spiritual knowledge is needed to balance the impact of these new micro-technologies that function on the threshold between life forces and death forces, so that machine force will not be given over to sub-natural powers, but to supra-natural powers. Our spiritual work, in whatever form that might take, becomes all the more important in our times, as it can be consciously offered to the guiding spiritual powers for the evolution of the world, not just for our own personal development. This can help new cultural impulses to arise on the Earth.

                  Best wishes


              • lazure painter

                ‘People need to find their own way in the confusion of the present time…’



      • Richard Philps

        Hello ininsoi

        Thanks for your question. I see no obvious association with the eighth sphere in the sense of derivation. Rather, the focus might instead be on how the thinking underpinning the creation and use of these products can be redeemed to prevent it slipping into that sphere.

        To elaborate, in its encounter with the world of particles, science has been at the boundary of physical experience for the past one hundred years or more. I quote from “The Battle for the Etheric Realm (Moral Technique and Etheric Technology: Apocalyptic Symptoms)” by the late Nick Thomas, a former General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain, who worked tirelessly to bring a spiritual aspect into the modern scientific paradigm:

        “…they (scientists) step across the threshold with their intellect only, not as whole human beings. If they were to cross the threshold as whole human beings, they would not be entering the kingdom of Ahriman. There is always a danger of crossing the threshold unprepared and, if we do, Ahriman will be waiting for us there with a world he has created for us. If we are properly prepared, we enter a different world, one in which we find the same things, but seen from a Christian perspective.”

        In the thinking behind this new experimental technology, in the products created by its application, can be observed deception – a thinking based on a false understanding of the human being. The products themselves even work on the principle of deception, tricking the human organism into accepting synthetic substances and processes that do not belong to its nature.

        This kind of ‘medication’ would make sense if we were dealing with something like a silicon-based, machine-like organism, whose building blocks could be manipulated or edited as necessary to safeguard its health. But the human being is no such thing, and in the levels of adverse reactions reported by those who have opted to have this intervention can be seen the signs of a great struggle as the higher members of the human organism battle to adapt to, or overcome, what is essentially an alien presence. Tragically, many have not been able to find sufficient forces to survive this assault. With the younger generations, one can hope that, through encountering the ever-increasing Christ forces in the Earth’s etheric realm in their descent, they have received strengthened life-forces to help them overcome whatever attack may come from the sub-earthly realms.

        It seems to me that current world events place in sharp focus the stark choice before us as to our own individual evolution and that of the Earth. We can align ourselves with sub-natural realms associated with forces of death and be transformed into silicon-like beings, or align ourselves with the spiritual realms associated with forces of life, and transform ourselves into free beings of light and love – love being a gift to human beings as a counter to the eighth sphere.

        All human beings bear within themselves an innate, primal longing to consciously join once more with those hierarchical beings who created us, to fulfil our rightful destiny and that of the Earth. In this respect, when we sleep, we experience the past and the future. Yet this experience remains in our subconscious when we wake, and we are thus given the freedom to choose our future path.


        • luke

          ” in the levels of adverse reactions reported by those who have opted to have this intervention can be seen the signs of a great struggle as the higher members of the human organism battle to adapt to, or overcome, what is essentially an alien presence.”

          In the case of pandemrix (the swine flu vaccine) there have been numerous cases of narcolpsy; paricularly or only, I’m not sure which, amongst the young). (This isn’t disputed)

          Can this effect be be explained or understood from an anthroposophical perspective ? For example, in terms of the anthroposophical understanding of the physical and other bodies; and why the prevalence among certain age groups, etc.


          • Richard Philps

            Hello Luke
            These are interesting questions. A quick internet search reveals that a number of mainstream scientific papers are available on H1N1 in relation to narcolepsy, but I’ve not come across anything from the anthroposophical medical community on the subject.

            I can offer the following thoughts. Consciousness within the physical body becomes possible within quite tightly controlled conditions. When the temperature is too hot or too cold, consciousness must depart. The same when we breathe in certain gases that are foreign to our organism, or when our chemical balance is too strongly disturbed, or the physical body can no longer integrate life and be healed. These conditions relate to the warmth, light, chemical and life ethers of the etheric body. You will appreciate that this is a very basic description.

            It seems that the H1N1 vaccines triggered an autoimmune reaction which inhibited the production of hypocretin, a neuropeptide hormone that regulates the normal sleeping/waking cycle, a rhythmic cycle regulated by the etheric body. Given the overall effect on physical, etheric, astral and ego, this must have been a particularly insidious agent to be able to disrupt the normal sleeping/waking rhythm, an agent powerful enough to cause a chemical imbalance in the sensory nerve system. It’s as though those affected were induced into replicating an embryonic state of consciousness, or the rhythms of a baby’s consciousness.

            Two types of vaccine were administered, one via injection – apparently containing an inactivated influenza virus, the other a weakened live virus administered via nasal spray. Whether this difference was connected to the prevalence of the narcolepsy reaction in certain age groups would presumably have shown up in subsequent investigations, although I cannot locate any mention in my admittedly brief internet search.

            My own view is that these vaccines show similarities with many others that have been used for some decades, in that they appear to attack the connection between physical and etheric. How does this occur? One can look to the thinking behind the creation of cultured viruses (subjected to a toxic soup of monkey liver cells, bovine serum, anti-biotics and much else), and subsequent computerized genetic sequencing, as an entry point for the sub-earthly into the earthly. Into this terrain is added the thinking that embeds powerful synthetic substances and processes that are foreign to the human being within a so-called medication. Effectively, the sub-earthly is injected directly into the human organism, which must then use its spiritual forces, particularly the forces of the life ether, to heal itself from the toxic assault and re-unify the normal life processes.

            I hope some of this may be helpful.
            Best wishes


        • ininsoi

          Hello Richard,

          Thanks for your thoughtful answer to my query. I appreciate all you express on the subject.

          Right now I have a Waldorf-educated close family member living in Berlin who has decided to go for the ‘vaccine’. It is obviously this persons’ right to make this decision, but it hurts to consider the probable long-term (and possibly even short-term) consequences that seem likely to occur.from all that I have investigated regarding the subject.


          • Richard Philps

            Hello ininsoi
            Thanks for your reply. I appreciate how you must feel.
            I think all that anyone can do before making such a decision is to inform oneself as much as possible – do all the research one can. Ask oneself – am I sure of the reality behind these vaccines? Am I really in a position where I can make a free choice? Or has my thinking been guided by something that leaves me un-free?
            Once fully informed, one can delay making a decision and take all one’s thoughts on the matter into sleep with a request for guidance. Then avoid thinking about it as far as possible, allowing a couple of days for all the thoughts and information to crystalize. On the third day, one may be in a better position to make the decision.

            With best wishes

            Liked by 1 person

  30. lazure painter

    At the beginning of lockdown last year I was painting a building next to St. James Hospital in Leeds, I went into the main building to use a coffee machine as I had done in the weeks previous. It was usually swarming with people but was empty, eerily so. I had a good look around and there was no sign of a pandemic… a few facts, Bill Gates funded Event 201, the hospitals were never overrun and the Nightingale Hospitals remained empty. And most importantly there were no dead bodies! If the information you have received is all from mainstream media, you have literally been brainwashed and that is the intention. I have met many people who feel uneasy about what is going on but can’t figure out what is behind it. In my opinion, it has all been orchestrated and there is a huge amount of evidence to support this. In my previous comment I didn’t mean to insult or alarm anyone.


    • Paul Breslaw

      The Office for National Statistics does not lie about the number of death registrations made around the country. In 2020, there were about 70,000 more deaths registered than one would have expected:-

      An excellent view of annual deaths over a 6 year period is the so-called Nightingale Plot — invented by Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War. There’s an informative version here for England and Wales:-

      Over the past 15 months something has been killing people in unexpected numbers. Now the “pandemic”, or whatever it is you want to call it, may have been orchestrated, planned in advance, created in a lab, overseen by Bill Gates, and clearly national governments worldwide are all singing from the same hymn sheet, which I agree is eerily suspicious. But are you really prepared to believe that all those death certificates have been falsely created by brainwashed (and corrupt) public servants?

      Remember that Anthroposophy’s other name is Spiritual Science, with the emphasis on Science.


    • Paul Breslaw

      At the beginning of lockdown last year, deaths in England and Wales were running about 8% above the running average for the previous 5 years. So you wouldn’t expect to have seen “dead bodies”. Later on in April, it got a lot worse. In total there were 70,000 “excess” deaths last year in the UK.

      I quite agree with you as to a feeling of unease about “what is going on”, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. I don’t think you are insulting or alarming the readership of this blog. Accusing them (but presumably not yourself) of being brainwashed seems to beg many questions. More importantly, despite what you saw (or didn’t see) in Leeds, you could be representing yourself as an unreliable witness.


  31. G Brown

    Who needs facts?
    statistics say from 1000 children 30 may die in areas with poor health care (Africa) and in US/UK only 0.38 dead. What is the risk level of vaccination? Is it less than 0.38 per 1000 ?
    People should be guided by objective facts. It is becoming obvious that people are not, but jump on things based on their fancy.
    I just saw a video where a MD was saying how after vaccination one becomes magnetized, spoons and metal stick to one’s body.
    In this website one can read how Steiner had great cognitive powers, then a little later read that he could not tell if he was poisoned because he was not a doctor; oblivious to the inconsistency of those thoughts.
    It is good to be wary of things, but base decisions on objective facts, not fanciful conjectures.


    • I’m not quite clear which point it is that you are making, but here is something to consider: On June 3 the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ in children aged 12-15. According to the BMJ, only eight children are recorded in the official Covid fatalities data, all with known serious pre-existing conditions.

      If we ‘vaccinate’ the 5 million 12-15-year-olds in this country dozens, potentially hundreds, will die as a direct result. All this for an illness which poses no threat to them and for which there is not a single example in the entire world of a child passing Covid to a teacher in the classroom environment.


      • G Brown

        The point I was trying to make is people must base judgements/actions on objective facts, which seems to be obvious, but is becoming more rare for many human’s thinking processes. The Lancet lists 7 covid deaths per 8 000 000 0-9 year old children; 22 deaths per 7 500 000 10-19 year olds; a very low rate. The agencies are debating this; Pfizer want to test on children, primarily to be ready in case a stronger variant takes over, they say. It could happen, I suppose; maybe look forward and not just to the past. I don’t know what the adverse reaction rate is, but the most serious seems to be the women under 50 with low platelets who take the J&J vaccine and develop blood clots, which is the only life threatening adverse reaction, see here:
        Hopefully the folks trained in these public health fields clearly explain their reasoning behind their recommendations, and are objective.
        Of course people will still worry about Bill Gate’s chips, becoming magnetized, and other fanciful woes.


  32. luke

    Owen Barfield took up the matter raised by Steiner regarding the loss of awareness of the Soul in the play Angels at Bay,

    Click to access angels-at-bay.pdf


  33. Husq

    Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
    Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.
    Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist.
    Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.


    • Thank you, this is an extremely important video. It lasts three hours and the format can be infuriating, but the message is devastating and needs to be seen as widely as possible. (The cynic in me urges you to look at it as soon as possible before the censors disappear it from YouTube.)


      • ininsoi

        Just finished watching it. Three insiders having a rare honest and rational discussion to highlight the anomalies existing in the official covid narrative.
        It’s worth viewing the whole thing despite its length.

        The elephant in the room for me is that none of them can flat out come out and say there is a worldwide nefarious conspiracy going on here because of their positions within the establishment hierarchy.


        • husq

          “In the nineteenth century the “economical” man is replaced for the first time by the man thinking in terms of banking, and in the nineteenth century there is created for the first time the organization of finance which swamps every other relationship. One must only be able to look into these things and follow them up empirically and practically.”

          > because of their positions within the establishment hierarchy.<

          I think they are being very careful for good reason. People who have questioned 'official narratives' can end up in a very difficult position.
          i.e. horizontal and dead.


    • This is another very important video – by the way, don’t be put off by the alarmist comment in the Rumble introduction about “Covid-19 genocide”, which gives an entirely false impression of the sober and concerning testimonies of the presenters.


      • lazure painter

        If the testimonies of the presenters are ‘sober and concerning’ why do you suggest the ‘Covid-19 genocide’ intro gives an entirely false impression?


        • Because I think it’s far more effective to stick to facts rather than hysterical allegations. The presenters are giving us facts, from their own experiences. They are laying their careers on the line, despite a disgraceful campaign of censorship, lies, suppression of evidence and character defamation. That is what makes their testimony so powerful. You and others may be convinced that Ahriman or Sorat are engaged in genocide via their human agents but unless you or someone else has proof of this, eg documentary or other evidence that a deliberate programme of genocide against the human race is underway, then to say such things will simply get you laughed at by most people.


  34. kathyfinnegan

    There are so many easier and quicker paths to genocide than this convoluted soap opera of conspiracies. If man is going down I won’t blame evil gods. It’s our talent for messing with things without understanding them – and wanting to be paid for it. It’s the violence and exploitation we’ve perpetrated. And if messing with the genome is the means to do ourselves in, it may not be this time out with Covid – we have lots more plagues coming that we bring on ourselves. I think the earth has had enough of us and I’m left with an odd combination of foreboding and relief..


  35. Rose Croix

    How disappointing to hear the wary tone of Anthroposophist doctors. sigh….
    So difficult to have courage in the face of public opinion. Protecting their job as well I suppose, which I can understand. However Steiner mentions, we must not be silent, ever.
    Oriphiel will put humans to task soon enough. Much worse than we are dealing with now.
    Oh Man Know Thyself


  36. Pingback: Over Corona vaccinatie kinderen – De grote Rudolf Steiner Citatensite

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